Well my Walgreen's Trips didn't turn out exactly as I hoped. The milk they had was expiring too soon to get a lot of it so I did my best to think on my feet. Here is what we ended up coming out with.
1 can Goodstart
2 cans Walgreen's brand Formula
6 bags shredded cheese
2 dozen eggs
2- 2 liters of soda (not necessary but it will be nice)
1- 6 pack of toilet paper (had $1 0ff coupon plus on sale)
1- 50 pk. bottle liners (needed anyway)
1 bottle shampoo
1- 1/2 gallon milk (we ran out today so we needed something until our real shopping trip)
Total: $70.07 plus $21.72 from the last shopping trip. Which leaves only $58.21 to get the rest of our food with. YIKES!!!! Hopefully I will be able to come up with some great deals to feed us for two weeks.