Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Great Welch's Coupon

Welch's just put out another high dollar coupon for their Healthy Start refrigerated product. It is $1.50 off, which should make for some very cheap grape juice. Print them now while they are still available. You can print off two coupons per computer, just hit the back button.

If you don't need juice right now or are afraid of stocking up because they are refrigerated, you can always freeze the grape juice to extend it's shelf-life. Just pour a little out to allow for expansion, recap it and place in the freezer. When it comes time to use it, transfer the juice to the refrigerator to let it thaw.

Monday, July 5, 2010

FREE Libby's Vegetables

Ok, deals around here have been really slow and so I haven't posted anything in a while. However, I just logged on to find out that RedPlum has a coupon for 1 FREE can of Libby's vegetables. You can print 2 per computer. How cool! A lot of stores will not take printable free item coupons because of trouble with fraud. However, it doesn't hurt to print it and try.
I know for a fact that the Commissary will take these, so to all my military peeps...PRINT IT!!!

Thanks SoutherSavers

Friday, June 25, 2010

CHEAP Milk Coming Soon!!!

Hey all, there is a GREAT printable coupon out right now for $2 off Smart Balance milk (use zip code 32825). This is running about $2.99 a carton at most stores which makes the milk about $.99 a piece. However, it doesn't end there.....a little bird is saying that there will be a mail in rebate in most 6/27 Sunday papers. Now we don't know how much this rebate will be for, but it could potentially make for some free milk! So, go ahead and print out as many of these coupons as you can, and make sure you pick up this coming Sunday paper. If you are anything like my family with a 14 month old and a "milkaholic" husband, you could really use a break when purchasing milk.

Want to learn more ways to save money on milk? Read about it here

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Eating on $1 a Day

I was recently asked if I had any tips for people eating on $30 a month or $1 a day.  Though my family is not following such a strict food budget, I feel it is possible to do.

So, to help those who are struggling financially, I wrote an article with a grocery list, meal plan and tips for a person to eat on $1 a day on both the short term and the long term.  If you are interested in reading it to get ideas, you can go here.

Good Classico Pasta Sauce Coupon

There is a new Classico coupon out that just came to my e-mail. It is for $1 off their new 44oz jar. With a good sale, this could make for a good deal on some great pasta sauce.

Simply click on the "Save $1" link on the bottom right hand of the page. Remember, you can print off 2 coupons per computer. So if you have more than 1 computer in your home, be sure to get as many coupons as possible.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Free Science Diet Dog Treats!

Hey guys!

Just wanted to share with you a great deal at Pets Mart. Print out as many of these $3 Coupons as you can and take them to your local Pets Mart who has them on sale for $2.50!!!!!

You won't receive an overage, but they will be FREE. Print out as many as you can (2 per computer) and let your furry friend enjoy some free dog treats. =)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Free Minute Maid at Walmart!!!!!

For all you non-Commissary shoppers, there is a great deal at Walmart with the same $1.50 Minute Maid Coupon. Minute Maid lemonade are $1 right now at Walmart. This means you can get 3 containers of lemonade FREE!!!!

Deal Idea:

Print 2 $1.50 coupons
Buy 3 Minute Maid Lemonade
Cost- $0!!!!

Attention Commissary Shoppers

There is a great deal going on at most military commissaries. Minute Maid fruit punch and lemonade is about $1.50 per container, with orange juice running about $2. Combine that with the $1.50 coupon off Minute Maid you can find here. That makes it $.50 for orange juice or FREE for all others.

Want to know more about find great deals at your local commissary? Read How to Save Money at the Commissary.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Reason to Celebrate and $1 Blue Bell Coupon

I just received an email from a writing site I have been hoping to get on with and found out I was accepted! HURRAY!!!! To celebrate, I found a coupon for $1 off a half gallon of Blue Bell ice cream. This should make for an inexpensive way to celebrate!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Blogs I Love

For those of you who are looking for some great blogs to check out regularly, here are some I would highly recommend:

Couponing 101

Southern Savers

Katy Couponers

These blogs are updated regularly and will tell you where and how to find great deals on groceries. If you have time, please check them out!

Let's Try Again

Well, it has been a very long time since I updated this blog. There have been quite a few changes to our financial situation.
First, my husband and I completed our goal of becoming debt free. Thanks to some hard work and a great tax refund (completely unexpected) we finished paying off his truck and then some back in February. So I am happy to say WE'RE DEBT FREE!!!!!!!! Man that was nice to type.

Though this was a great financial accomplishment, we are still looking at some hard times ahead. My husband decided he wanted to pursue his college degree and will be joining the Green to Gold program the Army provides. During this time the Army will pay for my husband's college and give us a little extra on the side to cover our rent. Since I only work from home and he will be attending college full time, this will leave us with very little cash on hand and we are going to need to be eating on a little as possible. So, I decided it was time to start working on this blog again.

Our goal once we move to College Station, TX is going to be to eat on $300 a month. We will luckily have access to several more stores than we do here, which should provide better deals than we have had access to. I am really looking forward to start posting great deals, meal ideas and frugal living tips.